
More than 620 articles, chapters, and books that address the Omaha System are listed below. URLs are listed for publications that have open access. If you identify an additional reference or error, please send an email to Karen Martin.

* 2021-2025 References
  ♦ Languages other than English
•• Complete terms, definitions, and codes of the Omaha System

*Agboola O, Austin RR, Monsen KA. (2022). Developing partnerships to examine community strengths, challenges, and needs in Nigeria: A pilot project. Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 9(1).

Aktas B, Yilmaz M, Kaplan N, Cankiri B. (2017, January). Application of the Omaha System in the determination of healthcare needs of individuals receiving home healthcare. Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Research,6(1), 1-11. Available:

*Aktas E, Esin MN, Monsen KA. (2022, March/April). Describing occupational health nursing interventions and outcomes in hair stylist apprentices with hand eczema using the Omaha System as a framework. Dermatology Nurses’ Association, 12(2), 67-75. Available:

Allen SA. (1994, May/June). Medicare case management. Home Healthcare Nurse12(3), 21-27.

Altiner M, Secginli S, Mathiason  MA, Monsen KA. (2019, May). Method development for describing content of multitasked interventions using the Omaha System. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 33(2), 147-168.

Altiner M, Secginli S, Kang YJ. (2020, April). Refinement, reliability and validity of the Time Capture Tool (TimeCaT) using the Omaha System to support data capture for time motion studies. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 17(2), e12296.

American Nurses Association. (2008). Home Health Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Publishing.

American Nurses Association. (2008). Nursing Informatics Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Publishing.

American Nurses Association. (2014). Home Health Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Publishing.

American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing Informatics Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Publishing.

American Nurses Association. (2018). Inclusion of Recognized Terminologies Supporting Nursing Practice within Electronic Health Records and other Health Information Technology Solutions. (ANA members can view the entire document and list of 12 recognized terminologies which includes the Omaha System)

Anderko L, Uscian M, Robertson JF. (1999, June). Improving client outcomes through differentiated practice: A rural nursing center model. Public Health Nursing16(3), 168-175.

Anderko L, Kinion E. (2001, November). Speaking with a unified voice: Recommendations for the collection of aggregated outcome date in nurse-managed centers. Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice2(4), 295-303.

Anderson CA, Keenan G, Jones J. (2009, March-April). Using bibliometrics to support your selection of a nursing terminology set. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 27(2), 82-92.

Antique S, Bautista JR, Block LJ, Lee JJ, Lozada-Perezmitre E, Nibber R, O’Connor S, Peltonen L-M, Ronquillo C, Tayaben J, Thilo FJS, Topaz M. (2020, October). A nursing informatics response to COVID-19: Perspectives from five regions of the world. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(10), 2462-2468.

Ardic A, Esin MN, Koc S, Bayraktar B, Sunal N. (2019, March). Using the Omaha System to determine health problems of urban Syrian immigrants. Public Health Nursing, 36(2), 126-133.

*Ardic A, Turan E. (2021, June). Nursing care management based on the Omaha System for inpatients diagnosed with COVID-19: An electronic health record study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(6), 2709-2717.

*Ardic A, Aktas E. (2022, October). Using the Omaha System to determine health and social problems of Roma population in Istanbul: Secondary data analysis. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 40(10), 670-681.

Austin RR, Schulz C, Monsen KA. (2017, October). An informatics approach to interprofessional management of low back pain: A feasibility study using the Omaha System. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, 24(3), 268-274.

Austin RR. (2020, December). Health technology to support the care of older adults. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 38(12), 605-606.

*Austin RR, Monsen KA, Alexander S. (2021, January/February). Capturing whole-person health data using mobile applications. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 35(1) 14-17.

*Austin RR, Chi C, Delaney C, KIrk L, Michalowski M, Pruinelli L, Rajamani S, Monsen KA. (2021, Spring). COVID-19 response empowered through nursing knowledge generated through existing IT infrastructure. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 25(1). Available:

*Austin RR, Mathiason MA, Lindquist RA, McMahon SK, Pieczkiewicz DS, Monsen KA. (2021, September). Understanding women’s cardiovascular health using MyStrengths+MyHealth: A patient generated data visualization study of strengths, challenges, and needs differences. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 53(5), 634-642.

*Austin RR, Sheng-Chieh L, Geiger-Simpson E, Ringdahl D, Pruinelli L, Lindquist R, Koithan M, Monsen KA, Kreitzer MJ, Delaney CW. (2021, December). Evaluating Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms coverage of complementary and integrative health therapy approaches used within integrative nursing, health, and medicine. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 39(12), 1000-1006.

*Austin RR, Mathiason MA, Lu S-C, Lindquist RA, McMahon SK, Pieczkiewicz DS, Monsen KA. (2022, February). Toward clinical adoption of standardized mHealth solutions. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 40(2), 71-79.

*Austin R, Jones C, Dominguez A, Hawkins D, Ondara C, Haynes D, Monsen KA, Elder M. (2022). Shifting the opioid conversation from stigma to strengths: Opportunities for developing community-academic partnerships. International Journal of Partnership Studies, 9(1), Article 2.

*Austin RR, Rajamani S, Jones RC, Robinson K, Elder M. (2022, June). A community-based participatory intervention in the United States using data to shift the community narrative from deficits to strengths. American Journal of Public Health, 112(53), Supplement 3, S275-278.

*Austin RR, Martin CL, Jones CR, Lu S-C, Jantraporn R, Nestrasil I, Martin KS, Monsen KA. (2022 First Quarter). Translation and validation of the Omaha System into English language simplified Omaha System terms. Kontakt, 24(1), e48-54. Available: (English and Slovak)

*Austin RR, Lozada E, Werner A, Martin KS, Monsen KA. (2022). An international research collaborative to examine global health resilience using the MyStrengths+MyHealth application. In P Otero, P Scott, SZ Martin, E Huesing (Eds.), MEDINFO 2021-Proceedings of the 18th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, (1128-1129). Amsterdam: International Medical Informatics Association & IOS Press.

*Austin RR, Van Laarhoven E, Hjerpe AC, Huling J, Mathiason MA, Monsen KA. (2023, July/August). Algorithm development to improve intervention effectiveness for parents with mental health signs and symptoms. Public Health Nursing, 40(4), 556-562. Available:

*Austin RR, McLane TM, Pieczkiewicz DS, Adam T, Monsen KA. (2023, November). Advantages and disadvantages of using theory-based versus data-driven models with social and behavioral determinants of health data. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 30(11), 1818-1825.

*Austin RR, Rajamani S, Jantraporn R, Pirsch A, Martin KS. (2023, November). Examining standardized consumer-generated social determinants of health and resilience data supported by Omaha System terminology. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 30(11), 1852-1857.

*Austin RR, Alexander S, Jantraporn R, Rajamani S. (in press). Thriving through pain: A whole-person and resilience comparative study using mobile health application technology for individuals with self-reported pain challenges. Pain Management Nursing.

Bakken S, Warren J, Lundberg C, Casey A, Correia C, Konicek D, Zingo C. (2001). An evaluation of the utility of the CEN categorical structure of nursing diagnoses as a terminology model for integrating nursing diagnosis concepts into SNOMED. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 84(Part 1), 151-155.

Bakken S, Cashen MS, Mendonca EA, O’Brien A, Zieniewicz J. (2000, January/February). Representing nursing activities within a concept-oriented terminological system: Evaluation of a type definition. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association7(1), 81-90.

Bakken S, Warren JJ, Lundberg C, Casey A, Correia C, Konicek D, Zingo C. (2002, December). An evaluation of the usefulness of two terminology models for integrating nursing diagnosis concepts into SNOMED clinical terms. International Journal of Medical Informatics68(1-3), 71-77. Available:

Barkauskas VH, Schafer P, Sebastian JG, Pohl JM, Benkert R, Nagelkerk J, Stanhope M, Vonderheid SC, Tanner CL. (2006, November-December). Clients served and services provided by academic nurse-managed centers. Journal of Professional Nursing, 22(6), 331-338.

Barrera C, Machanga M, Connolly PM, Yoder M. (2003, October-December). Nursing care makes a difference: Application of the Omaha System. Outcomes Management7(4), 181-185.

Barton AJ, Gilbert L, Erickson V, Baramee J, Sowers D, Robertson KJ. (2003, May/June). A guide to assist nurse practitioners with standardized nursing language. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing21(3), 128-133.

Barton AJ, Baramee J, Sowers D, Robertson KJ. (2003, December). Articulating the value-added dimension of NP care. Nurse Practitioner28(12), 34-40.

Barton AJ, Clark L, Baramee J. (2004, April). Tracking outcomes in community-based care. Home Health Care Management and Practice16(3), 171-176.

Bayuo J, Wong FKY, Agyei FB. (2020, July). “On the recovery journey:” An integrative review of the needs of burn patients from immediate pre-discharge to post-discharge period using the Omaha System. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 52(4), 360–368.

*Bayuo J, Wong FKY, Chung LYF. (2021, October). Effects of a nurse-led transitional burns rehabilitation programme (4Cs-TBuRP) for adult burn survivors: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 22(1), 698. Available:

*Bayuo J, Wong FKY. (2023, October). Transitional and aftercare needs of persons recovering from COVID-19 using the Omaha System: A scoping review. Journal of Clinical Nursing32(19-20), 6894–6916.

Bednarz PK. (1998, August). The Omaha System: A model for describing school nurse case management. Journal of School Nursing4(3), 24-30.

*Bennett V, Southard ME, Monsen KA. (2022, September). Evaluation of evidence-based interventions for the nurse coach scope of practice within the Omaha System guidelines corpus. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 40(3), 219-226.

♦Beňová E, Boledovičová M. (2012, September/October). Vývoj a stručná charakteristika klasifikačního systému Omaha (Development and brief description of the Omaha System). Ošetrovateľstvo a Pôrodná Asistencia (Nursing and Midwifery), 10(5), 8-9. (Slovak)

Beňová E, Boledovičová M. (2013). Care management of the client with PEG using a standardized terminology of the Omaha System. In G Vőrősová, Nursing of the 21st Century in the Process of Changes (46-54).  Nitra: Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care, Constantine the Philosopher University.

♦Beňová E, Boledovičová M. (2014). Využití systému Omaha v komunitním ošetřovatelství (Utilization of the Omaha System in community nursing) In Macková M, Kvalita a její perspektivy (Quality and Its Prospects) (5-15). Pardubice: Fakulta zdravotnických studií Univerzita Pardubice. (Czech)

♦Beňová E, Boledovičová M. (2015). Ošetřovatelský proces v primární péči s použitím systému Omaha (The nursing process in primary care using the Omaha System). In V Hulková, Ošetrovateľstvo naprieč kultúrami (Proceeding Nursing across Cultures) (7-17). Bratislava: Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce Sv. Alžbety. (Slovak)

♦Beňová E, Boledovičová M, Pokorná A. (2015, March/April). Analýza vybraných studií klasifikačního systému Omaha (Analysis of selected studies of the Omaha System classification). Zdravotníctvo a Sociálna Práca / Zdravotnictví a Sociální Práce (Health and Social work)10(2), 5-11. (Slovak)

♦Beňová E, Boledovičová M, Pokorná A. (2015, May/June). Omaha Systém – standardizovaná terminologie v komunitní praxi (The Omaha System – standardized terminology in community practice). Zdravotníctvo a Sociálna Práca / Zdravotnictví a Sociální Práce (Health and social work), 10(3), 27-37. (Slovak)

Benova E, Boledovicova M, Kristofova E, Pavelova L. (2016, October). Nutrition interventions in patients with Crohn's Disease. Scientific Journal for Food Industry, 10(1), 481-488.

Benova E, Boledovicova M, Bowles KH. (2016, September). Problems, interventions, and outcomes of the Omaha System in nursing clinical practice. Kontakt, 18, e164-169. Available:

♦Bessho Y, Hosoya T, Hasegawa M, Yasui Y, Hanayama K, Tamaki A, Sakai S, Tomoyasu K, Kasai M. (2000, June). Outcome evaluation of the rehabilitation program for the demented elderly in the community. Journal of Fukui Medical University1(2), 341-353. (Japanese)

♦Bessho Y, Hosoya T, Hasegawa M, Yoshida Y, Matsuki M. (2004, December). Home nursing care to achieve the expected status for the elderly with cerebro-vascular diseases. Journal of Japanese Society of Nursing Research27(5), 65-71. (Japanese)

Betz CL, Smith KA, van Speybroeck A, Hernandez FV, Jacobs RA. (2016, July/August). “Movin on Up”: An innovative nurse-led interdisciplinary health care transition program. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 30(4), 323-338.

Betz CL, Smith KA, van Speybroeck A, Jacobs RA, Rivera N, Lee J, Saghhafi S, Nguyen B. (2018, May-June). Descriptive analysis and profile of health care transition services provided to adolescents and emerging adults in the “Movin on Up” health care transition program. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 32(3), 273-284.

Bjarnadottir RI, Martin CL, Maganti S, Hoffman M, Monsen KA. (2020). Discovering the value of the Omaha System for knowledge representation and data classification: A semantics-powered text mining case study. SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health, 5(1), 1-22.

♦Boledovičová M, Krištofova E, Tulinská E. (2006). Klasifikačný systém Omaha v komunitnom  ošetrovateľstve (Omaha System classification in community nursing). In D Kalátová, Ošetřovatelství v Pohybu (Nursing in Motion) (11-16). Příbram: VZŠ. (Czech)

♦Boledovičová M. (2007). Overovanie klasifikačného systému Omaha v komunitnom ošetrovateľstve. (Validation of the Omaha System in community nursing). In G Vőrősová et al, Klasifikačné Systémy A Standardizácia Terminológie v Ošetrovateľstve (Classification Systems and Standardization of Terminology in Nursing) (110-113). Martin: Osveta. (Slovak)

♦Boledovičová M, Zrubcová D et al. (2009). Sestra a Pôrodná Asistentka v Komunitnej Starostlivosti (Nurse and Midwife in Community Care) (88-93). Nitra: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa. (Slovak)

♦Boledovičová M, Beňová E. (2013, November/December). Klasifikačný systém Omaha pri ošetrovaní pacienta s gastroenterologickým ochorením (Omaha System classification for the treatment of patients with gastroenterological disease). Ošetrovateľstvo a Pôrodná Asistencia (Nursing and Midwifery), 11(6), 9-12. (Slovak)

Bose E, Maganti S, Bowles KH, Brueshoff BL, Monsen KA. (2019, January/February). Machine learning methods for identifying critical data elements in nursing documentation. Nursing Research, 68(1), 65-72.

Bowles KH. (1997, July/August). The barriers and benefits of nursing information systems. Computers in Nursing15(4), 191-196.

Bowles KH. (1999, Winter). The Omaha System: Bridging hospital and home care. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics3(1), 7-11. Available:

Bowles KH. (2000, April). Application of the Omaha System in acute care. Research in Nursing and Health23(2), 93-105.

Bowles KH. (2000, April). Patient problems and nurse interventions during acute care and discharge planning. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing14(3), 29-41.

Bowles KH, Martin KS, Naylor MD. (2006, January-March). Using the Omaha System to describe what’s inside the black box. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications17(1), 21.

Bowles KH, Martin KS. (2006). Three decades of Omaha System research: Providing the map to discover new directions. In H-A Park, P Murray, C Delaney (Eds.), Consumer-centered Computer-supported Care for Healthy People—NI06: Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (994). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press. (poster).

Bowles KH. (2011, July). Achieving meaningful use with standardized data. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics15(2), 1-2. Available:

Bowles KH, Potashnik S, Ratcliffe SJ, Rosenberg M, Shih N, Topaz M, Holmes JH, Naylor MD. (2013, June). Conducting research using the electronic health record across multi-hospital systems. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(6), 355-360.

Brooten D, Naylor MD, York R, Brown LP, Hazard Munro B, Hollingsworth AO, Cohen SM, Finkler S, Deatrick J, Youngblut JM. (2002, Fourth Quarter). Lessons learned from testing the quality cost model of advanced practice nursing (APN) transitional care. Journal of Nursing Scholarship34(4), 369-375.

Brooten D, Youngblut JM, Deatrick J, Naylor M, York R. (2003, First Quarter). Patient problems, advanced practice nurse (APN) interventions, time and contacts across five patient groups. Journal of Nursing Scholarship35(1), 73-79.

Brooten D, Youngblut JM, Kutcher J, Bobo C. (2004, January/February). Quality and the nursing workforce: APNs, patient outcomes, and health care costs. Nursing Outlook52(1), 45-52.

Brooten D, Youngblut JM, Donahue D, Hamilton M, Hannan J, Neff DF. (2007, Fourth Quarter). Women with high-risk pregnancies, problems, and APN interventions. Journal of Nursing Scholarship39(4), 349-357.

*Brown SM, McConnell L, Zelaya A, Doran M, Swarr V. (2023, July/August). Tailored nurse support program promoting positive parenting and family preservation. Nursing Research, 72(4), E164–E171.

Burns J, Joyce B, Visconti V, Kates B. (2017, October). The Colorado Public Health/Parks and Recreation Collaborative: A model for bringing together multi-sectoral professionals. Recreation, Parks, and Tourism in Public Health, 1(1), 37-55.

Burns-Vandenberg J, Jones E. (1999, Fall). Evaluating postpartum home visits by student nurses. Journal of Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship1(1), 1-5.

♦Cai BL, Zhu XJ, Liu Y, Yang YT. (2016, April). Assessment of health problems among the disabled elderly in nursing homes based on the Omaha System. Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing, 22(10), 1344-1348. (Chinese)

♦Cai BL, Zhu XJ, Niu D. (2017, May). Health problems in community-dwelling disabled elderly people: Self-reported and professionally assessed based on the Omaha System. Journal of Nursing Science, 32(10), 86-89. (Chinese)

Caley LM, Winkelman T, Mariano K. (2009, October-December). Problems expressed by caregivers of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications, 20(4), 181-188.

Canham D, Mao C-L, Yoder M, Connolly P, Dietz E. (2008, March). The Omaha System and quality measurement in academic nurse-managed centers: Ten steps for implementation. Journal of Nursing Education47(3), 105-110.

*California Association for Nurse Practitioners. (2023, March). Focus on...Taffany Hwang, MSN, MPH, PNP-BC. Connections [online newsletter].

Cassie F. (2015, Summer). Big data: Helping to make nursing more visible: Karen A. Monsen interview. Nursing Review e-edition.

Cell P, Peters DA, Gordon JB. (1984, January/February). Implementing a nursing diagnosis system through research: The New Jersey experience. Home Healthcare Nurse2(1), 26-32.

Chambers M. (2005, December). A new primary care electronic record. What’s in it for you? Community Practitioner78(12), 426-428.

Chan RJ, Teleni L, McDonald S, Kelly J, Mahony J, Ernst K, Patford K, Townsend J, Singh M, Yates P. (2020, September). Breast cancer interventions and clinical effectiveness: A systematic review. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 10(3), 276-286.

Charalambous A, Wells M, Campbell P, Torrens C, Ostlund U, Oldenmenger W, Patiraki E, Sharp L, Nohavova I, Domenech-Climent N, Eicher M, Farrell C, Larsson M, Olsson C, Simpson M, Wiseman T, Kelly D. (2018, October). A scoping review of trials of interventions led or delivered by cancer nurses. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 86, 36-43.

Chang KKP, Wong FKY. (2018, September). Content analyses of telephone follow-up of older people with chronic heart problems using the Omaha System. SM Gerontology and Geriatric Research, 2(2), 1-6. Available:

♦Chen C-M. (1998). Community Health Nursing. Taipei, Taiwan: Weyfar Books. (Chinese)

♦Cho WJ, Yoo IY, Chae SM, Ham OK, Seo KM. (2002). Needs assessment of community health service using the Omaha System. Korean Journal of Nursing Query11(1), 168-190. (Korean)

Choi J, Jenkins ML, Cimino JJ, White TM, Bakken S. (2005, July/August). Toward semantic interoperability in home health care: Formally representing OASIS items for integration into a concept-oriented terminology. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association12(4), 410-417.

Choromanski L, Westra B, Oancea C, Savik K, Holmes JH. (2008, November). Predictive modeling for improving incontinence and pressure ulcers in homecare patients. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2008, 908.

Choromanski L. (2019, July). Development of a user story for housing instability using the Omaha System. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 37(7), 337-338.

Chow SKY, Wong FKY, Chan TMK, Chung LYF, Chang KKP, Lee RPL. (2008, April). Community nursing services for post discharge chronically ill patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing17(7B), 260-271.

Chow SK, Wong FKY. (2014, October). A randomized controlled trial of a nurse-led case management programme for hospital-discharged older adults with co-morbidities. Journal of Advanced Nursing70(10), 2257-2271.

CINAHL. (2019). Proceedings of the Omaha System International Conference, Eagan, Minnesota. CINAHL. Available:

Clark J, Christensen J, Mooney G, Davies P, Edwards J, Fitchett L, Spowart B, Thomas P. (2001, March). New methods of documenting health visiting practice. Community Practitioner74(3), 108-112.

Clark J. (2003). Naming Nursing: Proceedings of the First ACENDIO Ireland-UK Conference. Switzerland: Verlag Hans Huber.

Clemen-Stone S, McGuire S, Eigsti D. (2002). Comprehensive Community Health Nursing (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.

Coenen A, Schoneman D. (1995, October). The Nursing Minimum Data Set: Use in the quality process. Journal of Nursing Care Quality10(1), 9-15.

Coenen A, Marek KD, Lundeen SP. (1996, October). Using nursing diagnoses to explain utilization in a community nursing center. Research in Nursing and Health19(5), 441-445.

Coenen A, Marin HF, Park H-A, Bakken S. (2001, May/June). Collaborative efforts for representing nursing concepts in computer-based systems: International perspectives. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association8(3), 202-211.

Coenen A, McNeil B, Bakken S, Bickford C, Warren JJ. (2001, November/December). Toward comparable nursing data: American Nurses Association criteria for data sets, classification systems, and nomenclatures. Computers in Nursing19(6), 240-246.

Cohen J, Saylor C, Holzemer WL, Gorenberg B. (2000, October). Linking nursing care interventions with client outcomes: A community-based application of an outcomes model. Journal of Nursing Care Quality15(1), 22-31.

Connolly PM. (1999, September). Leadership and collaboration. The Journal of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill-California10(3), 37-39.

Connolly PM, Huynh M-PT, Gorney-Moreno MJ. (1999, Winter). On the cutting edge or over the edge? Implementing the Nightingale Tracker. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics3(1), 20-30. Available:

Connolly PM, Novak JM. (2000, December). Teaching collaboration: A demonstration model. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association6(6), 183-190.

Connolly PM, Elfrink V. (2002, August). Using information technology in community-based psychiatric nursing education: The SJSU/NT Project. Home Health Care Management and Practice14(5), 344-352.

Connolly PM, Elfrink V. (2002). Using information technology in community-based psychiatric nursing education: The SJSU/NT Project. In CL Weigand (Ed.), From Email to Earthquakes: On Teaching and Learning with Technology in the California State University (93-106). Long Beach, CA: California State University Press. (Reprinted).

Connolly PM, Mao C-L, Yoder M, Canham D. (2006, October). Evaluation of the Omaha System in an academic nurse managed center. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics10(3). Available:

Connolly PM, Crider MC, Henninger R, Irwin C. (2009, October). Complementary alternative care for persons with Schizophrenia living in the community: A pilot study. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics13(3). Available:

Conrad D, Schneider JS. (2011, November/December). Enhancing the visibility of NP practice in electronic health records. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 7(10), 832-838.

Correll PJ, Martin KS. (2009, January/February). The Omaha System helps a public health organization find its voice. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing27(1), 12-15.

Correll PJ. (2009). Using a standardized terminology. In LQ Thede, JP Sewell (Eds.), Informatics and Nursing: Competencies and Applications (3rd ed.) (302). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.

Crews C, Connolly K, Bruett M, Whitted P, Beckwith N. (1986, January-February). Computerized central intake: Streamlining community health-care admissions. Nursing Economic$4(1), 31-36.

Cui C, Li SZ, Zheng XL, Cheng WJ, Xia Q. (2019, November-December). Health assessment of Chinese adolescents with epilepsy in the preparatory phase of transition process from pediatric to adulthood: A single-center study using the Omaha System. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 49, e2-e7.

*Cummins D. (2022). Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Community/Public Health Programs. In C Rector, MJ Stanley, Community and Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Public’s Health (10th ed.) (332-357). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Dansky KH, Vasey J, Bowles K. (2008, August). Impact of telehealth on clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure. Clinical Nursing Research17(3), 182-199.

de Blok J. (2011, Summer). Buurtzorg Nederland: A new perspective on elder care in The Netherlands. The Journal: AARP International, 82-86. Available:

De Groot K, De Veer AJE, Paans W, Francke AL. (2020, April). Use of electronic health records and standardized terminologies: A nationwide survey of nursing staff experiences. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 104(103523), 1-9.

Delaney CW, Westra BL, Dean PL, Leuning CJ, Monsen KA. (2014). Informatics and integrative healthcare. In MJ Kreitzer, M Koithan, Integrative Nursing (109-121). Cary NC: Oxford University Press.

Dey S, Cooner J, Delaney CW, Fakhoury J, Kumar V, Simon G, Steinbach M, Weed J, Westra BL. (2015, July/August). Mining patterns associated with mobility outcomes in home healthcare. Nursing Research, 64(4) 235-245.

Dick K, Frazier SC. (2006, July). An exploration of nurse practitioner care to homebound frail elders. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 18(7), 325-334.

Dontje K, Coenen A. (2011, December). Mapping evidence-based guideline to standardized nursing terminologies. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 29(12), 698-705.

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  * 2021-2024 References
  ♦ Languages other than English
  •• Complete terms, definitions, and codes of the Omaha System